Saturday, January 29, 2011

First Kabbalat Shabbat

Lighting Shabbat candles
Emily and I on the way to the Belmont

This evening was my first Kabbalat Shabbat in Israel. First we went down to the Belmont to light the candles as a group. Then we headed up to the hadarochel (dining hall) to say Motzi and Kiddush before eating dinner. 

After dinner we went back to the Belmont for our Oneg, which consisted of Battle of the Sexes Jeopardy game. It was pretty fun and we learned quite about our Madrichim. Adi (one of the Madrichim) brought me a chocolate spread sandwich, which was super good. Well she brought me two, but I only ate one. Then my key wasn’t working so Noa fixed it for me, which was good.

Madrichim leading Battle of the Sexes

 After the game Hadas told us we could go to the party the Israelis were having in a bomb shelter. It was basically a bomb shelter with loud music playing and a disco ball and crazy dancing. I stayed till about 11:30. Then I came back to my room and Lior came in to make sure we were getting ready for bed but he ended up staying to chill with us. We don’t have a lights out time tonight…so we are just hanging out still. Tomorrow breakfast is optional but its supposed to be a very special Shabbat breakfast so I am going to go at some point before morning services.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Alexa and roommate Stacy
Alexa and Madrachim Lior
This morning we got up super early for an archeological dig. This is our first Tiyul (field trip.) We drove about 45 minutes. When we got to the caves we stopped at a fully excavated on that had no roof. This cave turned out not to be a cave but a contraption for making wine. The water flows from the top into one hole where all the dirt comes out, then it flows down into another hole and is clean. The grapes are crushed at the top so basically it is grape juice. 

How we learn

The Cave we dug in
The second cave we went to was also fully excavated and we learned that is was a Jewish burial site from the 2nd burial time period (about 2000 years ago). Next we went to a non excavated cave that we had to crawl through! It was extremely dark and small. We learned that those caves were from when the Romans were in charge of Israel and the Jewish people revolted. The Romans were imposing pagen ideas in the state of Israel and that is why the Jews revolted. At first the revolt was working but in the end, it didn’t work out. The cave had so many holes and it would be pretty easy to get lost. Next we went into a cave that we started to excavate. This cave was 1,700 years oldWe took buckets and shovels and started to dig. 

Alexa with a skull of a dog

Next came sifting through the sand that we dug up. When sifting we found important items for dating such as pottery chards, glass, handles of pottery, coal, and I even found some bones. As we sorted the items we found, a bunch of us found a skull! I picked it up and identified it as a skull because of the ridged swiggly lines on the bone. I asked the guide, David, who said it was most likely from a dog. Then we went to see the Byzantine burial cave. It was different from the Jewish one because it had to columns in the middle with crosses engraved on the top. 

Excavating the caves!
The guide also gave me the mandible of a goat or camel to take home J so it’s in a plastic bag in my room. 

Alexa and Emily in the caves

Time for Tzedakah

Alexa and Jacob collecting rocks.

This morning we did our Tzedakah projects. My group (led by Noa and Lior) went down to the vineyard on Kibbutz Tzuba. We learned that we would be moving rocks from the side so trucks and other machines could get down the rows.
Madrichim- Lior

 Noa talked to us about how special this experience was for many reasons. Vineyards produce grapes and grapes are just one of the 7 native species of Israel so the fact that we get to help with the growth of grapes was special. The rocks were heavy and we accomplished about nine rows. 
Lior is so funny and calls me "Alexa Chandler Bing." He also really enjoys singing I noticed. Lior finished his army one and a half years ago so he carries a gun. 

Next we started school. Classes are 50 minutes and are extremely small. Its nice to be in small school situation, I really enjoy it. I also have 5th and 6th period off so I relaxed and did a workout which was nice. After dinner, we split into our groups and did some bonding and team building activities and wrote letters to ourselves that we will read at the end of the program. Then we all got to chill out and sleep J

First Day on Kibbutz Tzuba

I didn’t sleep well at all last night. Then I woke up at 7am to take the fastest shower of my life and still got to breakfast by 7:30. 

My Madrichim!
Noa, Hadas, Nicole, Adi
Lior and Tal
After breakfast we had Tefillah. It was a nice service. Then we had Hebrew evals. Then we got split into our Jewish Studies groups and went to our classrooms for 2 hours. We learned the geography of Israel and talked about changing our views of the world to see it through “Jewish eyes” as opposed to “Christian eyes” Then we talked about our goals and fears for EIE. After lunch we got to go back to the room and relax. I finished unpacking. Then we went to Health  and Cell Phone orientation. 

Then we got our schedules and met our teachers. Then we got dinner. After dinner we learned about the Tzedakah projects we will be doing tomorrow. I am staying at Tzuba for my project (we are in groups). 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Arrived In Israel!

Well our flight landed in Tel Aviv at 5:25pm, clear skies and about 60 degrees. After we got through the airport we were split into two buses.

 I really love the people on my bus and I sat next to Emily (from Anshe Emeth) on the ride Tzuba. Our madrachim (staff) seem incredibly nice. We got to Tzuba and had a welcome celebration including kiddish and motzi. 

The Welcome Ceremony

We then got room assignments and met for dinner. After dinner I introduced myself to Noa (one of the madrachim) who happens to be from Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple as well and knows my cousins. We had a nice chat before split into our bus groups for Birkat Hamazon (blessing after the meal) and announcements. 

Now I am back in my room with my 3 roommates who are great. I started to unpack but I’m exhausted and I have to get up early tomorrow!

Ps. I got a back room :) 


Hi Everyone!

So still not in Israel, but today is a little more interesting. Around 4pm, Auntie Sara, my mom and I left for the airport. When we arrived at JFK we met Lori (who is in charge of EIE) and some of the other kids. I got something to eat with some of my new friends including Alli (who happens to be the daughter of my mom’s college roommate). Then I met up with all the kids from Anshe Emeth in New Jersey. Emily (from Anshe Emeth) introduced me to some kids that she already knew. Then we had our orientation lecture from Paul (another director). 

Alexa with all the Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple kids getting ready to take off!

Next it was time for checking bags! First, we got interviewed. During my interview the lady didn’t believe me that it was me in my picture so she questioned me a lot a lot a lot. Then the bags went through the x ray machine… and I got questioned more. They weighed the bags and both mine were under 50lbs, so no extra cost J. I said goodbye to my mom and Auntie Sara and went to stand with Shari (Emily’s mom) until Emily was done with her bags. 

A bunch of us went downstairs to hangout. A few hours later we went through security and went to the gate and got ready to board the plane. It turns out I was sitting next to Alli on the plane and on the other side a very nice Israeli man. I shared my Time Magazine with him and we chatted about Israel quite a bit. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Last Weekend Home--Or in New Jersey...

Hi Everyone! My last weekend home before I leave for Israel has just ended! Well, I wasn't actually home, I was in New Jersey. I arrived in NJ on Saturday and my cousin Sandra came home from Philly to see me before I leave. Saturday night, my mom, Auntie Sara, Sandra, and some friends (Emma, Taylin and Kelsey) went out to our favorite sushi restaurant. Taylin and I had our last sleepover before I leave for Israel.

In the morning, Sandra took Taylin and I to Hebrew School at Anshe Emeth. I went to Taylin's class for a little, then I left to go say hi to the Rabbi. It was great to chat with Rabbi Miller and I am looking forward to being considered part of the Anshe Emeth community in Israel. I also am looking forward to seeing the rabbi in March when he visits me on the Kibbutz. I said hi to some more friends at the temple before Sandra took me home. 

When we got home, Sandra and I (and her friend Farrah) put together a photo album for me to look at while I am in Israel.

Around 7pm, my mom, Auntie Sara and I went out to dinner at Nanny's favorite Greek restaurant in Highland Park. After dinner, we drove around Highland Park and saw Nanny's old house! 

It was so much fun! I can't wait for Israel! I'll post more when I'm actually there! (Sorry this post is so boring)