Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sataf....School...So Much to Do!


This morning we took a 2 minute bus ride to an agricultural site called Sataf. At Sataf we had class outside with a nice view. In class we learned about the Exodus. We discussed the religious aspect of the Exodus and how that is possibly the single most important event in Jewish History. We also discussed the Triangle of Jewish History. The three points of the triangle are people, land, and Torah. At Sataf, we discussed how the Jewish people achieved all of these. 

After the lesson on the Exodus, we took a nice hike through Sataf. We saw agricultural terraces, and olive trees. We also saw pine trees which we learned are not native to Israel, but the JNF used the money people has donated to plant them. This has now changed and they have started to plant trees that are native to Israel. 

We sat down above the terraces and read some more Tanakh. We read the book of Judges and acted out plays of each story. We saw how each Judge got progressively worse and therefore the people asked for a king. I was in the story of Samson. 

We then got to see the water source at Sataf. We crawled through a long dark tunnel, and then it opened up into a bigger cave. The cave was pitch black so luckily we all had flashlights. We then got to drink the water in the cave which was flowing directly from beneath the Earth, and therefore it is the freshest water around. 

We then returned to the Kibbutz and had general studies classes. After classes we had a group activity about the 7 native species of Israel. The 7 species are wheat, barely, olives, grapes, dates, pomegranate, and figs. The game was...two people come up to the chair and get blindfolded, then they get fed one the foods and they have to be the first to guess what they ate. If they get it right, the team gets the whole box.  It was a fun night. 

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