Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mom and Nanny Arrive in Israel!

About a month ago, on March 7th, my mom and grandma arrived at Kibbutz Tzuba to visit me! I had class when they arrived, but I said hello very quickly. I ate lunch with my mom, then finished my day of classes. We had dinner in chadar ochel, then talked for a while in the Belmont to catch up on the past two months. We then went to bed to get ready for the tnext day!

March 8th: This morning my mom and Nanny came to my Hebrew class. They met my teacher Rivka, and all the other students. Rivka taught us songs that day and had us "interview" our relatives and tell a short story about them to the class in Hebrew. We ended with songs. Then we had Jewish History, which my mom and Nanny also came to. In BG's class we learned about different societies of a Jewish Community to prepare for our tiyul the next day. 

March 9th: Today we left very early in the morning for Belvoir. It was pouring rain! We walked around ruins and learned all about crusades. It was extremely wet and cold, but we weren't there for too long. We soon left for Tzfat, where we learned about Jewish Mystecisim and Kabballah. We went to two different synagogues there. We also went to their amazing candle factory and saw Noah's Ark and the Beit Hamikdash made out of wax. For lunch and dinner, we ate at two different kibbutzim along the way. We returned to Tzbua very late and I went to bed because I had school the next day. 

March 10th: Today parents were invited to our General Studies classes! My mom didn't come however, except to my world history class. Then, when I was done with classes, we headed off to our weekend in Tel Aviv!

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